How to Pass the variables from one Procedure to Another Procedure with OUTPUT Parameter
Here is the Example:
Step 1: Create a Table
CREATE TABLE StudentsDetails
[Studentid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Firstname] [nvarchar](200) NOT NULL,
[Lastname] [nvarchar](200) NULL,
[Email] [nvarchar](100) NULL
Insert into StudentsDetails (Firstname, lastname, Email)
Values('Vagalla', 'Suresh', '')
Insert into StudentsDetails (Firstname, lastname, Email)
Values('vagalla', 'Saran', '')
Insert into StudentsDetails (Firstname, lastname, Email)
Values('Rajesh', 'Kumar', '')
Insert into StudentsDetails (Firstname, lastname, Email)
Values('Prasad', 'Reddy', '')
Insert into StudentsDetails (Firstname, lastname, Email)
Values('Sukanya', 'reddy', '')
select * from StudentsDetails
Step 2:
Declare the Parameters.
As of my concern, StudentID is the Input value and Expecting 3 output values.
create procedure GetStudentDetailsWithID
@studentid INT, --Input parameter , Studentid
@studentFirstName VARCHAR (200) OUTPUT, -- Output parameter of student Firsst name
@studentLastName VARCHAR (200) OUTPUT, -- Output parameter of student Last name
@StudentEmail VARCHAR (200) OUTPUT -- Output Parameter of student email Address
With one input value, getting full details of the Student
SELECT @studentFirstName = Firstname,
@studentLastName = Lastname,
@StudentEmail = email
FROM StudentsDetails
WHERE StudentID = @studentid
Step 3:
Now I am trying to get the Final result
Create procedure ReturnFullData(@studentid int)
With one input value, getting full details of the Student
Declare @studentFName as nvarchar(200) -- Declare a variable to get studentFirstName
Declare @studentLName as nvarchar(50) -- Declare a variable to get studentLastName
Declare @StudentEML as nvarchar(50) -- Declare a variable to get Studentemail
Execute GetStudentDetailsWithID 1 , @studentFirstName = @studentFName output, @studentLastName = @studentLName output, @StudentEmail = @StudentEML output
select @studentFName as FirstName,@studentLName as LastName ,@StudentEML as Email -- "Select" Statement is used to show the output from Procedure
-- here is your Fina output
exec ReturnFullData 1
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